In 2014, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) issued regulations governing the settings in which Medicaid home and community-based services (HCBS) are provided. To comply with the regulations, HHSC is replacing existing day habilitation services in the waiver programs with a new service for individual with intellectual and developmental disabilities. This new, more integrated service is called Individualized Skills and Socialization. These waiver programs are authorized by CMS in accordance with 1915© of The Social Security Act and relate to the following:
- DBMD (Deaf Blind Multiple Disabilities) Program
- HCS (Home and Community-based Services) Program
- TxHmL (Texas Home Living) Program
Hours of Operation
8:30am – 2:30pm
All services must be provided in person. The services are either on-site or off-site.
On-Site Services
- Must be provided in a building that is owned or leased by the provider.
- Must not be provided in a prohibited setting for an individual, as set forth in the rules governing the HCS Program.
Off-Site Services
- Must be provided in a community setting of the individuals choosing.
- Must include transportation.
- Must not be conducted at an on-site location.
- Prohibited setting for an individual, as set forth in the rules governing the HCS program or the residence of an individual or another person unless provided in an event open to the public unless the activity is a volunteer activity performed by an individual in the residence.
Certified Individualized Skills and Socialization Facilities
Atlanta | 903-796-4403
Carthage | 903-693-9751
Longview | 903-297-4647
Texarkana | 903-794-1840 EXT: 3108
Service Areas
Bowie, Cass, Gregg, Harrison, Marion, Panola, Red River, Rusk, and Upshur Counties