An ICF/IID program is a residential group home, providing intermediate care facilities for individuals with an intellectual disability or a related condition. The program provides 24-hour residential services, comprehensive and individualized health care including physician, nursing and dental services, skills training, adaptive aides, vocational programs, and day habilitation services to people to promote their independence. Individuals are afforded the opportunity to live in the community and go on community outings such as church, shopping, dates, parties, and vacations. People are served in a six- or twelve-bed setting. There is no waiting list or interest list for this program. A person can select a particular ICF/IID; however, the ICF/IID must have a vacancy, and the provider must approve the admission. Staff are scheduled around the clock to support and assist with daily living activities so the person gains skills to increase independence.
Service Areas
Bowie, Cass, Gregg, Harrison, Marion, Panola, Red River, Rusk, and Upshur Counties