Intensive services to individuals age 15-30, newly diagnosed with early onset of psychosis including schizophrenia, schizoaffective and schizophreniform disorders, delusional disorder, and psychosis NOS. Research shows that coordinated specialty care within the first year of onset contributes to an individual’s ability to manage the illness and live a more normal life.
Services include skills training and support to address psychiatric medication, wellness management, education and employment, family support, housing and income, substance abuse, trauma, and safety to increase community integration and involvement.
Position Opportunities
Mental Health Case Worker
Mental Health Peer Specialist
At Community Healthcore, Certified Mental Health Case Workers and Mental Health Peer Specialists with lived experience work with clients who have a newly diagnosed psychosis to manage their illness and take control of their story. Training is available for qualified applicants.
To find out more, visit communityhealthcore.e3applicants.com.
Service Areas
Bowie, Cass, Gregg, Harrison, Marion, Panola, Red River, Rusk, and Upshur Counties
501 Pine Tree Rd., U-15, Longview, Texas 75604