Federal grant funded with HUD Continuum of Care dollars to rapidly house individuals with mental illness who are also experiencing homelessness.
The Fredonia Rapid Rehousing program is a grant, funded by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), that provides supportive housing services to families experiencing homelessness. Participant households must meet income requirements and the Head of Household must have a diagnosed mental health condition. Supportive Housing includes rental assistance (rent, security deposit, application fees, rental arrears, utility deposit, utility arrears) and case management. Assistance is provided based on the individual needs of the family, but the maximum timeframe is 24 months. Participants also have access to the broader array of mental health services offered through Community Healthcore – such as psychosocial rehabilitation, medication management, counseling, substance use services, and crisis services.
Service Areas
Gregg, Harrison, Rusk, Panola, Upshur, Marion, Cass, Bowie, and Red River Counties
105 Woodbine Place, Longview, Texas 75601