Parents as Teachers (PAT) is a no cost, voluntary program available to Gregg, Smith, and some Harrison County families that are pregnant and/or have children that are not enrolled in full-day school. PAT is an international early childhood parent education and family support program designed to enhance child development and school achievement. Family participation is voluntary. Services include personal visits twice each month, screenings for children, and resources for families. Children enrolled in the Parents as Teachers (PAT) program at age 3 show higher skill levels and school readiness.
- International early childhood parent education and family support program
- Available to work with families that are pregnant and/or have children that are not yet in full time school
- The program is designed to enhance child development and school achievement
- Family participation is voluntary
Services you would receive (all for FREE):
- Personal visits 2 times per month
- *do an activity with your child
- *information on child development
- *family support and information on community events
- Screenings on all enrolled children for Development, Social Emotional, Hearing, and Vision to make sure they are on target for their age.
- Group Connection visits–1x per month we have meetings as a group focusing on a prearranged topic such as a craft, safety information, or a group activity. This is not mandatory but highly encouraged to attend.
- Resource network– provides community information as a group or specific to families
The Benefits:
- Studies show that children involved in the Parents as Teachers program at age 3 are significantly more advanced in language, social development, problem solving and other thinking skills than children that are not involved.
- PAT children score higher on kindergarten readiness tests and on standardized measures of achievement in early grades.
- Parents in PAT are more involved in their children’s schooling, read more to their children, and are more confident in their parenting role.
Longview: 903-237-2398
Tyler: 903-534-3754 Texarkana: 903-791-1885
Service Areas
Bowie, Gregg, Harrison, and Smith Counties
3110 H.G. Mosley Pkwy., Suite 104, Longview, Texas 75605
4609 Troup Hwy, Tyler, Texas 75703 4800 Texas Blvd., Texarkana, Texas 75503